Recently I took out the driver’s license here in Israel. It’s kind of expensive, but I can drive until I’m 70 years old (if I die before will they give me a refund?). I didn’t have to take a test, they just asked me if I knew how to honk. But seriously, the first thing you learn in Israel in driving school is where the horn is. Honk for everything here, if the traffic light is going to change, honk. Are you slow? They honk. Are you fast? They honk. And if you are driving properly, they honk as well just so you don’t miss it!
Silence is not common here. Everybody thinks there is a lot of conflict in Israel, actually the people are just talking, but here they talk shouting. Everyone shouts. I haven’t started shouting yet, despite being a lecturer, I speak quietly. But one day I’ll get there! At first you get a little scared, but then you realize it’s cultural. Shouting here does not mean a fight, in the end everyone smiles and you are looking at both sides without understanding anything. Like: – What the ..? –
The Hebrew language is not easy (which even more scary when they shout). Hard, sharp, direct like a punch in the stomach. When they see my name and surname they think I have born here (by my appearance they think I’m Russian). Many women here are also called Roni. The Szuchman (Shurrman) is pronounced with a guttural R, as if pulling mucous from the throat to spit. In the 6 months I’ve been here, studying Hebrew, my English is increasingly fluent… Curiously if you speak Portuguese on the street, the Israelis stop to praise, they think it’s beautiful (go figure!).
I have 3 theories about all this shouting thing: 1- As everyone serves in the army, they are used to shouting. 2- They are a big family and like any Jewish family, they shout at each other. 3 – They become deaf because of the honking. – But on the other hand they stop for pedestrians to cross the street and if you need help for some reason, they really help you! They stop whatever they’re doing and help you. Whoever is born in Israel is called “Sabra”, a fruit of the Cactus that, just like the Israeli, is prickly on the outside but sweet on the inside. – Useful tip: If you come to Israel honk! If you are not driving… shout!